Lakeland Highlands

Suburban Lakeland, Florida is where you’ll find Lakeland Highlands. Single-family homes and mobile homes make up the vast majority of Lakeland Highlands’ residential real estate. The vast majority of the homes are occupied by their owners. Houses in the Lakeland Highlands area are mature but not ancient; most were constructed between 1970 and 1999.

When compared to comparable American neighborhoods, Lakeland Highlands’ vacancy rate of 12 percent is significantly high. Most empty homes in this area remain thus throughout the entire year. This may indicate a lack of interest in the area’s real estate market or that a big number of recently constructed homes have gone unoccupied. If you’re a resident, you may notice that many of the houses and apartments in your area are unoccupied.

The aesthetic qualities of a neighborhood, including its houses and surrounding environment, are often the first things that people notice about it. Although at first glance two seemingly identical locations may include vastly different vocational and cultural communities, the true character of a given area may not emerge until after a person has lived there for some time. There are a number of significant ways in which this area stands out from others.

In a nation where 1 in every 4 children lives in poverty, the Lakeland Highlands area stands out as being listed among the lowest 0% of neighborhoods affected by this worldwide issue. Almost no other American community is home to as many persons of Yugoslav origin as Lakeland Highlands.

How wealthy a neighborhood is, from highly wealthy, to middle income, to low income is tremendously formative with regard to the personality and character of an area. The percentage of the population that falls below the federal poverty threshold is very crucial, especially in regards to the plight of children. The presence of high percentages of child poverty in the areas around some affluent gated communities is indicative of broader socio economic problems.

Lakeland Highlands is an affluent area due to its residents’ middle class status. Based on our unique statistical modeling, we can confidently say that this area has a greater median household income than 60 percent of all American neighborhoods combined. In addition, there are no children under the age of seventeen living in poverty in this area, a rate that is lower than that of 100% of all communities in the United States.

About a third of the workforce in the Lakeland Highlands area is employed in executive, managerial, and professional jobs. Twenty-five percent of the working population here is employed in some capacity associated with manufacturing or manual labor, making it the second most prominent occupational category in the area. Nineteen percent of the local population is engaged in secretarial, assistant, and tech support roles, while the remainder are employed in sales and service roles ranging from dealing with major sales clients to serving customers in fast food restaurants.

Christina Woods
Lakeland Concrete Pros

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