Suburban Christina Woods may be found in the city of Lakeland, FL.
Christina Woods has a vacancy rate of around 9 percent for both houses and apartments. According to the data, this is significantly lower than the median vacancy rate across the country. With a typical home price of $462,800, Christina Woods is significantly more expensive than the majority of Florida and the rest of the United States. With a median monthly rental cost of $2,625, Christina Woods is currently more expensive than 70 percent of Florida’s other neighborhoods.
It’s important to consider several factors while evaluating a neighborhood, but appearance and personality are usually the first things people notice. A person might take note of things like the uniformity of the architecture’s era or the presence of bilingual storefronts. The Christina Woods community in Lakeland stands out for a number of reasons, both aesthetic and lifestyle related.
The adults in the Christina Woods area are mostly high-earning professionals. They have large, expensive houses, which have consistently increased in value over time. Their demanding jobs at the executive level yet leave them with ample time to enjoy life. This is the “best choice” neighborhood in Florida if you’re an executive and want to hang out with other successful people. This made it a better place for CEOs to live than 96% of Florida’s other communities. This area is great for college students, families with school-aged children, and urban sophisticates, and it’s also a great place to live for highly educated CEOs.
The median and the 95th and 95th percentiles of a neighborhood’s income are two complementing measurements. While the median household income in a given area could be high, knowing the percentage of residents, and especially children, who are living at or below the federal poverty line is crucial. We can learn more about the conditions and character of a neighborhood from the fact that some areas with a lower average income have a lower childhood poverty rate than an area with a higher average income.
Christina Woods is a middle-class neighborhood in Lakeland with residents who earn more than the state average. If you want to compare your salary to the rest of America, this neighborhood will blow you away. Moreover, 1% of the neighborhood’s children under the age of seventeen are living below the federal poverty line, a lower proportion of childhood poverty than is found in most American areas.
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